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More info Now casting Music Video for "I Wanna Be Your Thong" (Lower East Side)
Reply to:
epilepticarson@gmail.com [Errors when replying to ads?] Date: 2009-03-22, 2:36PM EDT
Epileptic/Arson Productions is now casting actors and actresses for a music video called: "I Wanna Be Your Thong" by the illest up and coming rap artist: "Ghetto Blood Drinka".
The premise of the video is a fictitious porno film shoot called "Inter-racial Creamfest Orgie 5". A line of 30-40 of the dopest bitches and hoes are waiting to give oral pleasure to "GBD" in order to get cast in the film when all of a sudden the dopest of the dope, flyest, sweet-ass she-honey appears on her knees before "GBD" causing him to break into song and perform his new single called "I Wanna Be Your Thong".
We need the best looking bitches and g's the streets have to offer. You must be willing to T-bag and bottom from the top and dance experience is a plus. Free food and crunk juice will be supplied for the video shoot in Queens at the end of April.
Send your head and body shots to epilepticarson@gmail.com.
For more info on other Epileptic/Arson productions please visit: COPBAR.TV
- Compensation: open
- Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
- Please, no phone calls about this job!
- Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 1086769102
LMAAAAAAAAOOOOO….i hope this is fake. I really, really do!!!
Thanks, Videogum!