Monday, January 19, 2009

Am I That Fat??

i mean i know imma BIG GURL...but is it a sign that i'm truly a fat girl....or maybe just truly a poor person....but besides gettin my license unsuspended and hookin up my ride...the thing i am MOST EXCITED about when i get my *ova $7,500.00* in tax return....the thing I AM MOST EXCITED about is......


YAYYYY...i have been watchin Applebee's and Olive Garden sommercials and FOAMING @ the damn mouth!.....i am sooooo sick of spaghetti...hamburger helper....and the always exciting, *breakfast for dinner* cuz a box of add water pancake mix is like $2.00 and make damn near 30 pancakes!!

bitch my fat ass need to EAT!..u hear me?...i already got a week worth of dinner planned in my head....."would you like to supersize that?"....why, yes....yes i WOULD!!

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